Joe Banana Limos & Travel

National Archaeological Museum

Discover ItalyCampania ⇢ National Archaeological Museum

Unearth the Treasures of the Naples National Archaeological Museum

Welcome to the Naples National Archaeological Museum, a sanctuary of ancient wonders that offers a unique glimpse into the fascinating history of Naples and the surrounding regions. This world-renowned museum is a treasure trove of art, artifacts, and historical significance.

Ancient Artifacts

Explore a remarkable collection that spans the civilizations of ancient Rome and Greece, showcasing the marvels of human creativity and innovation.

Farnese Hercules
: Behold the imposing statue of the Farnese Hercules, a symbol of strength and heroism. This magnificent sculpture captures the essence of classical mythology.

Breathtaking Mosaics
: Admire the intricate beauty of ancient mosaics, each a masterpiece of craftsmanship and storytelling. These mosaics provide a glimpse into the daily life and mythological beliefs of the past.

Villa of the Papyri

Step into the grandeur of the Villa of the Papyri, an ancient Roman villa in Herculaneum that was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The villa's library, with its preserved scrolls, provides invaluable insights into the intellectual pursuits of antiquity.

Egyptian Collection

Immerse yourself in the mystical world of ancient Egypt. Explore the museum's extensive Egyptian collection, featuring mummies, statues, and artifacts that transport you to a distant civilization.

Plan Your Museum Visit

 • Opening Hours: Wednesday to Monday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm

Guided Tours: Consider joining a guided tour for a deeper understanding of the exhibits. (we can offer this!)

Enhance Your Experience

 • Audio Guides: Available in multiple languages, audio guides offer informative commentary as you explore the museum.

Special Exhibitions: Check for any ongoing or upcoming special exhibitions that may further enrich your visit.

Discover the wonders of the ancient world at the Naples National Archaeological Museum. Immerse yourself in history, art, and culture as you journey through time.

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